Conscient de nos aspirations pour des systèmes Hi-Fi performants mais également esthétiques, Linn a collaboré avec la marque écossaise de papiers-peints, de tapis et accessoires design, Timorous Beasties. Ils nous livrent ensemble une collection incroyable d'enceintes - objets d'Art. Leurs toiles imprimées en haute définition sont issues de la recherche Linn pour optimiser la diffusion sonore. En prime, Timorous Beasties décline les imprimés des enceintes Linn en papiers-peints, panneaux, coussins et accessoires coordonnés.
English Description
Aware of our aspirations for highly performing Hi-Fi music systems but also for aesthetic characteristics, Linn has collaborated with the Scottish wallpaper, carpets and design accessories brand called Timorous Beasties. Together, they deliver an incredible collection of - work of art - speakers. Their high-definition printed fabrics are the result of the Linn research to optimize sound diffusion. As a bonus, Timorous Beasties offers a variety of printed supports such as wallpapers, panels, cushions and accessories that are coordinated with the design of Linn’s speakers.